
Archive for June, 2020

Monitoring AKS Windows node pools

June 16, 2020 Leave a comment

Monitoring your containers is critical, especially when you’re running a production cluster, at scale, with multiple applications. Currently in Preview, the Azure Monitor for Containers will automatically start to collect logs (std/stderr) on the containers running on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This will provide you end-to-end monitoring on AKS Windows node pools with logs and metrics (which is already supported).


With Azure Monitor for containers you can:

  • Identify AKS containers that are running on the node and their average processor and memory utilization. This knowledge can help you identify resource bottlenecks.
  • Identify processor and memory utilization of container groups and their containers hosted in Azure Container Instances.
  • Identify where the container resides in a controller or a pod. This knowledge can help you view the controller’s or pod’s overall performance.
  • Review the resource utilization of workloads running on the host that are unrelated to the standard processes that support the pod.
  • Understand the behavior of the cluster under average and heaviest loads. This knowledge can help you identify capacity needs and determine the maximum load that the cluster can sustain.
  • Configure alerts to proactively notify you or record it when CPU and memory utilization on nodes or containers exceed your thresholds, or when a health state change occurs in the cluster at the infrastructure or nodes health rollup.
  • Integrate with Prometheus to view application and workload metrics it collects from nodes and Kubernetes using queries to create custom alerts, dashboards, and detailed perform detailed analysis.
  • Monitor container workloads deployed to AKS Engine on-premises and AKS Engine on Azure Stack.
  • Monitor container workloads deployed to Azure Red Hat OpenShift.

Fore more information see:

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